The show derives its inspiration from “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Mussorgsky and is comprised of a collage of 7 “musical pictures”, musical compositions that were commissioned especially for this show by 7 young Israeli composers. The works are accompanied by video-art interpretation that was created in accordance with them. Each of the works refers to a different Hebrew text source – a single word, a poem, or a chapter of the Scriptures – that forms the inspiration for the work’s composition.
In the role of the guide at the “musical museum” is actor and radio personality Jackie Levi, and it is he who leads the audience from one musical picture to the next in a musical journey on the trail of language.
This show was created especially for the events of the 2010 Hebrew Language Conference in Rishon LeZion.
Composers: Zohar Sharon, Amit Weiner, Lotem Asner, Yonatan Albalak, Nadav Vikinski, Chai Meirzada