“Sharkiya – When East Meets West” debuted April 30, 2014,
at Shalem Academic Center
The show is the product of collaboration between the Revolution Orchestra and the Middle-Eastern-Arabic ensemble of oud and electric guitar player Eran Zamir. It’s an instrumental concert based on Eran Zamir’s original works, which combine influences of the East (Eastern scales – Maqamat – and complex rhythms and meters) and of Western music. The concert creates the experience of a moving musical journey of groove, mystery, and a wealth of sound and color. The orchestral arrangements, written by composer and artistic director of the Revolution Orchestra, Zohar Sharon, create a colorful and rich blend of the different traditions represented by the Eastern instruments (oud, nay, qanun, Eastern violin, and percussion) and the classical western orchestral instruments (violin, viola, cello, oboe/saxophone, French horn, vibraphone, and piano).
Composer: Eran Zamir | Arrangements: Zohar Sharon | Video art: Oren Gabay