
“There’s a place called Hubeza, not far from Tel Aviv. People always dress in black there at Hubeza, and are always, always, happy. So I boarded the bus travelling to Hubeza.”
Five funny, wired, wonderful, poetic stories of acclaimed, award winning author Etgar Keret, entangled together into one spectacular stage event. A bus driver who thinks he is god, a lozer cook inlove with his client, sholomo homo trying to understand why all kids hate his, Danny trying to paint the word in merry colors, and one girl who only wanted shiny eyes – all of them in search of happiness.
An original and surprising piece with The Revolution Orchestra, an opera signed and the Cameri new generation group – 25 participants sharing the stage.
Director: Ronnie Brodetzky
Original Music: Kobi Lilian
Conductor: Roy Oppenheim
Costumes and props: Shira Weiss
Movement: Yale Turgeman
Lighting: Keren Granek
Sound: Val Kotler
Assistant Director: Omer Boulanger Cohen
Artistic advisors: Roy Oppenheim, zohar Sharon, Gilad Kinchi, Amit Apte
Participants: Cameri the New Generation team – Tom Gal, Chen Gerty, Ofri Bitterman, Tom Chodorov, Uriyah Jablonwsky, Roni Natanel, Maya Koren, Yaeli Rosenblit
Opera Singer : Tal Ganor

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