Animation Project (2006)

The Animation Project is a unique show that combines live orchestra music and animated films, the works of young Israeli animators and composers. The animated films in the show present a range of techniques (classic animation, 3D, stop-motion, etc.) and they address a variety of real-life questions pertaining to love, friendship, old age, violence, and more. The soundtracks, which were composed especially for the animation clips in a collaborative process of the composers and the animators, range from classical music to jazz, rock, and modern music.  The show, in its original version, made its international debut as part of the 2006 Israel Festival. Over the years, the show has reappeared in festivals, auditoriums, and other special events and won acclaim and success.  Beginning in 2010, the show has run over 60 times for teenage audiences throughout Israel as part of the Sal Tarbut program

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